FUTURE LAB 2 - FUTURE LAB 2 | Speculative nomads - from shed to shed

10.10.2021 – 27.03.2022 FUTURE LAB 2 FUTURE LAB 2 | Speculative nomads - from shed to shed

Projekt Future Lab II | Von Hütte zu Hütte Motiv: Schwerlastballett
Copyright: Team Georg Winter

What's next in the post-industrial age? Speculative nomads test out alternative paths for the present and future - Second FUTURE LAB at the World Heritage Site until 27th March 2022.

Don't know what a "speculative nomad" is? Maybe a picture will help: An industrialist sees the river and coal. He builds his factory on this spot and takes what he needs from the river and the ground. A speculative nomad sees the river, takes water from it for drinking and washing, collects driftwood, leaves the coal where it is - and moves on.
It is this image of a different rhythm, a different relationship to nature and living space from which the second FUTURE LAB at the Völklingen Ironworks World Cultural Heritage Site develops its artistic activities.

The Future Labs of the World Heritage Site are dedicated to central themes of the present and the future in an artistic and experimental way. How will we live with the changes brought about by man and industrialisation over the last two centuries? 

The second FUTURE LAB "Speculative Nomads" deals with current as well as future ways of living, working and living. The guest curators, the project office of the Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar (HBKsaar - Saar University of Fine Arts) under the direction of Prof. Georg Winter, are specialists in this field: They have their studios in the Handwerkergasse of the Völklingen Ironworks, in a former industrial site, and are currently planting on brownfield sites in the coking plant. Visitors can look forward to a creative examination of the questions of our age: It's about the Völklingen Ironworks, about Völklingen and about the world - "from shed to shed".

 "Uncertainty about the future of our environment, our society and our planet is being felt with a sense of urgency that is being felt like never before. Against this backdrop, we understand the need to work and research now on what is about to change or what has already changed our lives. It's the here-and-now with its acute situations and constellations that demands our full commitment. We must tackle the tasks that cannot be postponed and that the future is already demanding of us today," says Prof. Georg Winter.

The image of the "shed" as a place of social and societal transformation is the guiding principle. Starting from the ore shed of the Völklingen Ironworks, the speculative nomads of the S_A_R project office of the Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar (Saar University of Fine Arts) test out new realities together with numerous participants: with artistic verve and a creative will for change.

For more information:  sar-projektbüro
                                  Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar

Guest curator: S_A_R Projektbüro der HBKsaar, Prof. Georg Winter

The Artists

A  Tara Allinger | Marius Alsleben | B  Betty Beier | Yann Biehl | Andreas Brandolini | Mark Braun | Natalie Brück | Nico Philippe Burgard | C  Dieter Call | D  Laura Dermann | Konstantin Diehl | Ezra Dilger | Hyun Jo Do | Sabrina Döpp | Leonie Dörrenbecher | E  Alexander Ebert | Frédéric Ehlers | Valentin Ernestus | F  Maike Fraas |  Moritz Frei | Otto Dos Santos Peireira Frenken | G  Jeremia Gabriel | Mercedes Ruiz Gil | Céline Gieseler | Simon Gorzelnik | Marie Götze | H  Katharina Hamp | Isabell Hardtmann | Yannik Herter | Julius Heuel | Samuel Hof | J  Li Jie | Frederik Joachim | Hyeonsu Jung | K  Hannes Käfer | Yehun Kang | Elena Kayser | Ju Kim | Kyungju Kim | Kyung Jae Kim | Yerim Kim | Donata Koschel | Juliane Kühr | L  Céline Lehnert | Siwei Li | Zhihui Liu | M  Nina Malotta | Johanna Matheis | Jón Marthel | Alina Martinek | Annika Meierfels | Hannah Mevis | Charlos Molina | Thorsten Müller| N  Sarah Niecke | P  Prof. Dr. Ulrich Plantle | Fabian Widukind Penzkoffer | Larissa Peters | Stephan Petry | Tilo Poll | Q  Robinson Quiroz | R  Julia Rabusai | Marlene Reiche | Constanze Reihl | David Maulen de los Reyes | Christian Richert | Nora Veneranda Roedelstuertz | S  Razan Al Sabbagh | Tara Sachs | Annkathrin Schäfer | Christian Johannes Schmidt | Paul Schmidt | Lisa Marie Schmitt | Yana Schmitt | Ferdinand Van Schoor | Marie Spanier | Lilli Sprunk| T  Yining Tang | Lara Thiel | Julie Ternus | Pia Treiber | Polina Trishkina | V  Anja Voigt | W  Nora Wagner | Yixin Wang | Wenija Wang | Chiara Weber | Martina Wegener | Georg Winter | Mia Winterholler | Y  Younggon Yoon | Z  Leonie Zebe | Jinyi Zhang

Discover the FUTURE LAB 2

Eingang Spekulative Nomaden

Eingang Spekulative Nomaden

FUTURE LAB als Lebens und Arbeitsraum

FUTURE LAB als Lebens und Arbeitsraum

Spekulative Nomaden Pause in der Tragetasche

Spekulative Nomaden Pause in der Tragetasche

WKE HBK Spekulative Nomaden 00043

WKE HBK Spekulative Nomaden 00043

Video Installation 1 2

Video Installation 1 2

WKE HBK Spekulative Nomaden 00123

WKE HBK Spekulative Nomaden 00123

WKE HBK Spekulative Nomaden 33002

WKE HBK Spekulative Nomaden 33002

FuturerLabt 21

FuturerLabt 21

WKE HBK Spekulative Nomaden 33011

WKE HBK Spekulative Nomaden 33011

WKE HBK Spekulative Nomaden 33023

WKE HBK Spekulative Nomaden 33023

WKE HBK Spekulative Nomaden 33030

WKE HBK Spekulative Nomaden 33030

WKE HBK Spekulative Nomaden ive Nomaden 00112

WKE HBK Spekulative Nomaden ive Nomaden 00112